*Harga negara pengeluar minyak yang telah di-convert ke Ringgit Malaysia...
UAE– RM1.19/litre
Eygpt– RM1.03/litre
Bahrain– RM0.87/litre
Qatar– RM0.68/litre
Kuwait– RM0.67/litre
Saudi Arabia– RM0.38/litre
Iran– RM0.35/litre
Nigeria– RM0.32/litre
Turkmenistan– RM0.25/litre
Venezuela– RM0.16/litre
Indonesia- RM1.65/litre
* data dari email.. haven't got the chance to verify it yet..
BolehLand (Malaysia) - RM2.70/litre <--- this one is confirmed!! minyak oh minyak kenapa engkau naik.. macam mana aku tak naik.. harga pasaran global yang naik.. latest news for the day says that crude oil per barrel will rose to USD140.. and guess what, there's hearsay saying that petrol price will be raised again later in august..maybe by another 70cents! wakakaka.. i know it is not a laughing matter, but somehow being sad about it also would not bring any good..gelak je la buat hilang tension memikirkannya.. i was on the way to KL when i heard about the new petrol price hike from my sis and a fren.. believe me it was not a surprise to me right then because prior to that day the pak lah government kononnya akan umumkan mekanisme harga petrol yang baru on that day and will not be implemented immediately.. so, like the kisah pak lah kawen, pembubaran parlimen, tarikh pilihan raya... dapat disimpulkan what has been said by them can not be trusted at all..
anyway, the real shock for me is when i was watching bernama tv... harga baru minyak diesel ialah RM2.58~~~~ ...............................(terkedu jap).. HAH!!!! terkejut sebenar-benar terkejut! kenapa la diesel naik tinggi sangat deh, bukan sebab ape.. not only because i'm a diesel user.. but, kalau harga diesel naik, barang2 lain akan lagi cepat naik.. this is because almost all vehicle used to transport goods are diesel driven.. and so, the price hike will certainly have an immediate effect on them.. erm, and as for me takde dah nk bawak my d-max to save fuel.. harga petrol ngan diesel beza 12sen je.. takde guna menahan segala hentakan dah gegaran enjin diesel.. lebeyh baik naik kete petrol with a smaller engine capacity..
then the next day say an interview with Dato' Shahrir Samad on bernama tv. he said that he think all the subsidy for the petrol would be more beneficial if it is channeled to the people through food.. erm, i do agree on this theory.. but how will they do that? nk bg kat peruncit ke? nk bg kat petani ke? nk bagi kat pemborong ke? or nak bg kat penguna trus? herm, i really think they should think about how to deal with this before announcing anymore "brilliant" ideas.. bukan ape, sedangkan bagi subsidi diesel kat para nelayan pon boleh buat nelayan jadik tokey minyak diesel kat negara jiran.. it is not impossible kalau bagi subsidi kat petani dalam bentuk bantuan baja ke hape ke, diorang jadi tokey baja.. how can they control it? the food industry is very large in terms of people involved in it.. lagi banyak tangan2 nk kene control.. and need i remind u, we ain't living in utopia.. jangan nanti org yang pandai menipu menjadi lebih kaya dan yang jujur trus menjadi papa kedana.. whatever it is, there's no reason to get mad at the government kan.. not their fault that the fuel price increase.. diorang pon jadik mangsa keadaan semasa.. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hands" - Randy Pausch hopefully they play the cards well
p.s: if any of you remember a title in utusan last few days.. "Kos Petronas meningkat lebih 200%, tidak ramai peduli – Hassan"why being such a cry baby!!!?? padahal tiap2 tahun declare untung berbillion2.. hurmmmmm... i'm just speechless about it...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
minyak oh minyak
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