Wednesday, July 9, 2008


woke up at 4am today with a fever.. dah lama x demam, tetiba plak demam pagi2 buta tadi.. semayang subuh pon mengigil2 sebab sejuk.. alhamdulillah, after a few panadol tablets i'm feeling quite well, just having a minor headache right now.. rasa macam nk ponteng je keje arini, tp entah mana dtg kerajinan mengatasi segalanya plak today.. nk kata banyak keje, x la banyak sgt.. just keje yang menensenkan je (malas nk cerita pasal my work problems)..

aha, i read something from yahoo news yesterday, it was about people going on diet will be more likely to have better result when they record their daily food intake and activity.. so, i think maybe i should give it a try... for now it have been 2 month since i've been giving myself a "hard time".. though i never weight myself but right now i'm feeling great.. my diabetic still remains, hopefully it hasn't gotten worst(pray).. was thinking of getting my medical checkup to get the proper dosage of my insulin..skrang ni i just take my metformine.. itu pon kadang2 malas nk makan.. yeah, i know i never really took care of my well being... but hey, it's never too late to change kan..

"Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives."

