Sunday, August 24, 2008

Arasu Golden Village

hurm.. arini for the first time since i watch in primary school, sy g tgk wayang dekat Arasu Golden Village.. tu pon after they have renovated the place.. jikalau dulu rupa macam tpt terbengkalai yang banyak tayang citer2 tamil, skrang dah jadik tpt yang ade 4 screens seh.. *bangge sikit* once dulu masa diorang renovate ingatkan dah nk gulung tikar tukar jadi tpt nightclub ke ape ke.. rupanya bertukar menjadi lebih stunning!

i remember back then g tgk wayang ngan akak2.. tpt tu dah la ada banyak lipas.. kerusi pon mcm takmau bg kerusi je.. now proudly i can compare it with TGV and GSC though there's a lack of sound quality.. but who's complaining.. asalkan ada tempat yg dekat too catch up on new movies cukupla.. dah la org pon tak ramai.. td pegi pon bleh kire pakai tangan je org yg ade kat dalam wayang.. dedeq(nephew) tak nampak screen pon bleh suruh dier duduk kat tangge je.. hhehe.. and at last some place to buy fresh popcorn in this area.. huhu

anyway, much have happen this weekend.. been very2 occupied.. tok, auntie, asu and some of cousin come to the house.. buat steamboat on the saturday night.. that's an new entry by itself kalau nk citer.. but in a nutshell, all of the 'customers' are satishfied.. ermm.. just thinking maybe next week nk buat BBQ la plak masa my kak su n kakak balik.. (drooling oledi) and maybe another movie as well dengan arman plak..

