Wednesday, October 29, 2008

part time student?

last weekend i spent in d office.. tido, mandi, makan semua kat ofis... semuanya sebab kene siapkan esemen OUM yang sikit tu.. eh why sikit tapi kerje banyak? sebabnyer ialah patutnyer start buat 2 bulan dulu tp sy terpaksa (terpaksala sangat) siapkan dalam 4 hari before submission date which was on 27 Oct. 

Alhamdulillah, in spite of a lot of chobaan.. siap gak esemen tu walaupon nampak macam tah hape2.. at least siap la utk tatapan tutor.. this friday and saturday, i'm gonna have mid term exam plak.. malas btol nk study.. entah brape banyak chapter yang nk kene cover pon tak tau. it only states that u have to study 30% of the module. hopefully i can cover that 30% one day before the exams. sebab study awal pon asyik2 lupa. (bad habit, jangan ikut)

