nope.. i ain't gonna blog about politik today. just ade nk talk about some of my thoughts on UMNO. macam semua tahu sekarang tgh kecoh2 pasal election party, and tadi ade my father punyer old time friend datang rumah. he is a highly respected UMNO veteran kat area2 sitiawan ni and he is one of the pioneers in this area. dier cakap umno cawangan sitiawan meeting (semalam kalau x silap) and elected najib and muhyidin as president and timbalan. and for ketua pemuda they have elected mukhriz (thank god it is not khairy!). Well the result was fair enough. But, in spite of all that dier cakap kat area sini, election for ketua bahagian etc. ada some people with their cronies started to play money to win the election and he as the veteran tentang benda ni abih2 and naek mengamuk dalam mesyuarat. tp entah la kan, ape dia kate pon kalau ahli makan rasuah and vote for the pemberi rasuah nk buat camne, itu hak masing2kan.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
however tonite after having chatting with the old man and hearing his stories (he is 72years old). Best pulak dgr2 aktiviti dier join, badan kebajikan yang dier buat and it makes me think of how was my friends and I in SCH not long ago. deym I miss those days. bukannyer sekarang tanak aktif dengan umno, tapi tgk la time2 diorang ada aktiviti je sy ade kat KL. time ade majlis bacaan Yassin ke ape ke, I was in KL. abih tu camno la nk buat, dulu weekend aje ade kat KL, nk join sekali sekala pon segan gak. lagipon takde geng kalau nk g, kalau ade geng senang sikit nk start bergaul dengan org, dah la sy nie jenis susah nk mula bersembang. hopefully la ek by next year boleh la aktif, yet taknak la aktif sangat sampai meeting ari2 sampai 2 pagi!
joining politic for me is not about being a leader in the public. Politic for me is to extend our capabilities in helping others. and to do that, we have to find a leader that is like that in guiding us. saya pikir la ek, kalau join perti politik ni kene main politik for urself gak, make friends with people who is already somebody and learn from him, not the bodek type yang selalu kipas tapi make friends to understand the current dilemma and environment. takleh la nk masuk and tunjuk diri sendiri ni hebat coz sat lama silap2 kena sepak kuar bilik.. huhu.
anyway, this entry mmg berserabut. i got a lot of things to say but not all of them i put it here. all i want to say is really it is just good to know that there are still people who is concern about the people.
Posted by NightWiz3rd at 11:02 PM
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