Sunday, November 2, 2008

ternet mengong

ternet kat rumah ni dah mengong. bukan sebab streamyx kot, i blame it on the modem. suka-suka ati dier je nk disconnect. YM pon sama naek gila, dok syok2 sembang bleh plak dier sign out, pastu nk sign in balik pon bukan main parah. tadi try la re-install balik YM kot2 dia yg bermasalah, and guess what kena bertungkus-lumus plak merepair YM pabila dia enggan hidup. "there's an error while running the program" auntie vista bgtau. tension giler, tapi lama2 dapat la detect problem dia and termalu sendiri la gak sebab ada program yang associate ngan YM ni tak buang masa install baru, so ada clash sikit di situ. tapi!! lepas dah install up to date YM ni pon;YM 9.0 still bermasalah gak nk log in log out YM. pastu internet pon sama ja perangai. and by the way, entry ni pon type kat words dulu (offline) and masuk blogger copy paste ja.

erm, today i just done with my mid term exam. nak kate susah tu tak la, just takleh jawab gak sebab x study sangat, a lot of terms yg berserabut and sometimes bercampur-campur plak subjek elements of law ngan subject investment management. adeh, ape la nk jadi. jenuh tutor pelik camne la dok discuss issues on law dalam jawapan invesment. walaupon mmg ade kena mengena, tapi that is not what the question wants. biarkan je la, bak kata lagu enya-let it be.....

today i just got a chance to read the newspapers (online) and this news struck me. It makes me think of my problems. ish, dah lama x pikirkan pasal benda ni, plus sekarang tgh tak tau nak buat ape lagi la jiwa kacau but a part from that i'm thinking that these are the times that i need to put my feet on the ground and face the reality of my life. I gotta change! ish, bila la diri ni nk insaf... Ya Allah, sedarkan lah hamba-Mu yang selalu mudah lupa ini.

i guess i just gotta keep on fighting to have a better life.. what can i say, that's what life is all about ain't it? dunia ini adalah sementara, asam garam kehidupan for sure akan terasa, tanpa dugaan-Nya di dunia ini, manusia akan mudah lalai dan terleka. alhamdulillah, He still loves me and i always try to think positively in every way possible in His trials. InsyaAllah.

