Tuesday, November 4, 2008


hari ni i got a task to complete the replacement some of the part on the navy's pump. and that means i got to naek turun 25 biji kapal! nk tukar barang tu senang je, dalam 30 minit semua bleh siap, tapi protokol utk nk masuk kapal tu la.............. isk. jenuh dok menunggu jam ada kena tinggal hphone la, nk tulis nama lagi and my feveret part tunggu officer nk sign pengesahan benda tu dah tukar. adeh, berjela2 nk tunggu, out of the 25 ships yg kene g, arini dapat 3 je! of course la kan x semua kapal ade kat lumut, pasni nk kene g kuantan ngan sabah plak kot. entah biler la nk siap.....

anyway, best gak kadang2 dapat naek kapal, td first time dapat masuk engine control room. macam dalam filem era world war 2, and that ship (KD Inderapura) is a used US Navy ship. and of course the smell of the ship is just nice, i'm sure sape2 pernah naek kapal know what i mean.. some may like it, some may not but i like that greasy smell..plus the sea water smell as well.


Wanie said...

my new link for my blog http://wanie1985.blogspot.com/
