Sunday, November 2, 2008

speak up your mind

there's something that i wanted to say about my trip to the US recently, i was actually been observing the people there and one thing that i notice is the people there really do speak up their mind and really passionate about the things they do. The service that they have there is just marvelous. they waiters there introduce themselves and they never have any lack of smile up their face. even the cashiers at the grocery store can crop up a chat with you in that few minutes you are with them. somehow i do feel a lot comfortable doing my shopping this way.

seronok la kan biler berjumpa dengan sape2 and even strangers, selalu aje bertanyer khabar like "how are u today?" "do you find everything u need here?" "hope u have a nice day" "see you later then, take care".. seems to be very polite, i hope that i can continue doing this here. tp ntah la, kadang2 bagi salam pon org buat endah tak endah je. siap pandang tpt lain plak tu! (sabar2) change is not an easy thing to do.

speaking about change, sekarang (while i'm typing this actually) just remember about a tv show my sis told me about in the USA. The Biggest Loser. this show is a reality tv show bertanding sape yang paling banyak kurangkan berat badan! and looking at it, ya Allah mmg betul2 unbelievable! and it is quite inspiring, talking about changing their life for the better. kalau ade la show ni kat malaysia, sy pon nak join lah. ooo, penerbit2 rancangan tv, udah2 la cari penyanyi yang top kejap2 je. buat la show yang beneficial for the people, and here's one of them. whatever it is, now i;m thinking of going back to my extreme diet again (x makan nasik je pon kire extreme ke??)

p.s: sometimes i hate myself for doing something that i know i should not do, and in the end i messed up things so badly. 

